I started this day with a smile. Thanking God for the nice sleep and for the new beautiful day. I woke up late (always). So I need to rush on the bathroom to take a bath, also rush on the room to dressed up. After fixing myself for less than 15 minutes I'm running out of my boarding house.
I need to walk for 10 minutes and wait for 5 to 10 minutes to ride a jeep. Traveling going to the office may take 20 to 30 minutes. In short, I always arrived late. lol Excited to work on my remaining task and of course excited because its pay day, I enjoyed my day. I've waited for that pay even though its already late in the afternoon. When our accounting staff called my name, I hurriedly came to her table. She explained to me why I haven't availed the perfect attendance reward.
I was disappointed because I know that I completed this month's attendance. So I get back to my table and keep on complaining on blah blah blah..When I chatted to alma, I express what I've felt that day. I have said bad words. I don't mean it, its just that I was carried away of what I felt that very moment.
I know, In myself its my fault. I've realize that its bad. That is why, Im writing it to tell you people that I'm sorry. Also, I want to ask for forgiveness to you Lord for what I've reacted. I know its wrong. I pray God that you may continue on guiding me and let me realize every bad things that I've done so that I can ask for forgiveness to you and to the people who are involve. Thank you God for letting me understand the situation. May your blessings be upon us always.
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